Located in Maidenhead, Berkshire, I offer in-person, online and phone counselling.
“The curious paradox is that when I accept myself just as I am, then I can change.” (Carl Rogers.: 1961). *
Counselling offers a space where acceptance and exploration come hand in hand. It’s a place where you can bring your authentic self, unpack what feels heavy, and move towards a deeper understanding of your thoughts and emotions—without judgment, without rush, with you at the centre of the process.
For some, the past has been a journey of loss, grief, abandonment, and a lack of choice in differing who we are and how we want to identify ourselves, in gender, culture, and sexuality. I believe that walking along side you, in whatever life stage you are transitioning through, with empathy and honesty, will enable you to trust yourself and let go of conditional beliefs, and find a sense of your own pathway. Together, we can look at your choices and options, because counselling is about you deciding what’s important for yourself.

* This quote is from Carl Rogers’ seminal book “On Becoming a Person: A Therapist’s View of Psychotherapy” (1961). It’s one of his most well-known quotes and reflects the core principle of unconditional positive regard and self-acceptance in person-centered therapy. Rogers believed that true change happens when individuals feel deeply accepted, both by themselves and by others, creating the freedom to grow and evolve.